Electric rad fans

Hey guys. i got a bunch of rad fans for sale. Used. they are 2 10in fans built into a shroud. Fits perfectly with a s13 rad. should work with s14’s aswell. Theres a modules for the fans to work together. I will give the wiring diagrams aswell, but its pretty much an easy bolt on.

55 bucks each.

call Thishy @ 416-839-1597

u got ne pics of them… pretty much an easy bolt on or do u gotta modify it ne way? ive got a ka koyo rad but im running an sr motor. wil these bolt onto koyo rads?

pics please

hey sorry but i dont have pics yet. i will take them tomorrow at work and send them a.s.a.p. I honestly dont know how to pos tof pics either. I work by dixie and 401. if you in the area your more that welcome to pop by, but i’ll have pics tomorrow.

hey guys, here are the pics !




for some reason this isnt working for me !!

hey guys i’ve got 3 left. i made a mistake. i measured them. there actually 2 12in fans.