electrical problems, I want my honda back

Driving on the way to school this morning and I watch my ext. temp guage just start to drop, At willam st exit its 68 outside, By walden its 50, By the time I get to the 33 its 30. Then It droppped and stayed -40 the whole way to school.

Anyone know where the sensor is for this ext. temp gauge on an A4 ?

problems on an A4?

my friend 325is does the same thing
fucking european cars :tdown:

shoulda kept the honda

no he made the right choice

It just fixed itself, but when the temp was still super low -40ish, The ac wouldn’t work,

I’ll get another honda, winters coming

fagget should kept the bullet proof H

Moved, in the future please put things in the correct sub-forum. :slight_smile:


See, the reason why no electronics broke in your civic is because it really didn’t have any.
