
Looking to get an elliptical. Not looking for some big $$$$ one, but something decent.

PM me with what you have, specs, price, etc.


I have a “gazelle” from the house that I just cleaned out. Goodwill wouldn’t take exercise equipment, and it missed the trailor going to the dump.



Gayest thing that I have ever seen.

ive got a proform675, i dont use it, my girl use to use it, but its just collecting dust now, i think i paid close to 500 for it when i got it a few years back.

200$ is as low as ill go

haha I want to use this in my front yard.

is that a man or a really ugly woman?

Joe didnt John have one he was looking to get rid of?

Joe if you want new contact Zer0Daze.

Not looking to spend lotsa $$$ for new

His is decent, but not that great of a model. Picky wife, ya know :slight_smile:

Just weighing the options

Neither. It’s Tony Little. http://www.tonylittle.com/

If you decide to change your mind, I have a Nordic Track Audio Strider 800 practically new. PM me if you’re interested.

I may have a used one in a warehouse, or laying around somewhere.

I am pretty sure I have a demo unit that was made in the same factory as Spirit, and Vision Fitness. I will shoot you a PM tonight.

I bought one last year … usual story , used twice and just sits next to the treadmill… it cost me like $600… it has a built in fan , heart monitor , and you can connect your ipod to it and it adjusts your workout to the tempo of your music, and crap like that.
Make me a reasonable offer, like I said its just sitting there so if you can use it then perfect

let me know on mine, i could use the cash tword my race car.

like i said mine is just sitting there…ill match his price if your gonna pick it up