Employment - Sony is Hiring

Sony is hiring 500 full time employees. (Starts at $8.xx/hr or higher with benefits)

If you want an inside reference ( I work at Sony) PM me with your contact info…(be sure to include e-mail address) or e-mail me at:


Call the number below to get things started…

Sony Jobs Hotline, 724-696-SONY (7669)

Career Fairs will be conducted at Sony throughout the months of June, July and August. Listed below are the dates and times for June.

June 18, 9 am – 1 pm
June 21, 9 am – noon
June 23, 1 pm. – 4 pm
June 28, 9 am – noon
June 30, 1 – 4 pm

500??? Damn… how many are they cutting after 3 months when they realize they don’t need that many?

Hopefully that’s not the case. The press distorts hiring and layoffs at Sony.

We have two layoffs a year that are scheduled for inventory shutdowns…

I have been here for 8+ years, no probs yet

I just posted this to help out anyone looking for a job not to start a debate.

I’m just saying, for the most part that’s what happens with large companies. But I don’t work for Sony, so I don’t know what their business practices are like.

I would have to make a LOT of money to drive to New Stanton for work from Penn Hills.

Good luck to anyone who tries though!

i never made it past the first interview…they have some physc team or some shit do there hirring…i will need a job when i get home eventualy

Thanks for helping out general!

no one is starting a debate… i would also agree that 500 is quite an amount of people to start working at one time!

I’ve been hearing about this on the radio a bunch, but nobody has actually said what exactly they’re hiring for?

Any engineering jobs?

dude sony is bad news

I work at sony also and yes they are hiring 500 sony employees and another 500 temps. The only reason that they are hiring so many people is because on average 1 out of every 10 stay, so in really they are only looking for about 100 people who want to work.

I have 2 relatives that work at sony. both are in management and have been with the company for a very long time. My uncle since they opened the doors out there.

I applied there when I got out of the Army. Not for the typical “put screws in tvs kinda stuff”. I came home from NC for an interview that went very well. In the 2 weeks until I got out of the Army, the department I applied for was being sold and shipped to Mexico. So much for my job. I didn’t know this at the time. I kept in touch with HR and she told me to call when I got home. I called and she said to come out for another interview.

I get there and hang out in the waiting room and saw a bunch of jobs that were posted. There was an admin related job that would have helped out for paying the bills and I had a resume already made for admin jobs.

She proceeds to tell me that the job I applied for no longer existed, but they needed assemblers and I would have to go through a temp agency for the job. I asked her if there were other jobs and she said yes. I asked about the admin job. She said “Send me a resume.” I said “I have one with me.” She looked kinda shocked when I gave it to her. She asked what kind of experience I had and I produced some documents from when I was a records clerk in the Army. It turns out that the number of records I maintained on a daily basis was greater than the number of Sony employees. I made a joke saying that she could hire me for that and get rid of 5 other people or something like that.

She then proceeded to say “You would have to be able to learn a foreign language for this job. Specifically Japanese.” I said “No problem” and pulled out a certificate that showed I had passed language aptitude tests for the Army and had learned Russian in 47 weeks. She looked at me and said “You’ve got to be kidding me. There is nobody that is qualified for this many jobs.” I put all my papers back in my briefcase including the ones that filled out for her.

She gave me some bullshit about calling security because the documents were sony property, but I walked out anyways.

My uncle and brother in law are happy there, my cousins husband left after 6+ years, and I would never work there.

Trinitron monitors kick ass!

they’re currently in litigation because faulty venting caused a bunch of lung problems in their assembly crews… a couple utown families my parents know are in the lawsuit, and ones actually pretty sick still.

don’t they get american holidays and jap holidays? that’s like 4 weeks of holidays.

fuck it, its a job.

I’m trying to figure out, Do i give a fuck :rolleyes:

Does anyone know what they’re hiring for? $8.xx sucks though… but I need a different job.

do you realize how far away the sony plant is from your house!!!

its 6 miles from me :slight_smile:

no, that would be another aspect I still have to look into… I would assume far, haha

uhmm, ok… then yeah, it is far.