Engine Build Screensaver?

I remember this screensaver was really popular a couple years ago, and I want to get my hands on it… I guess I’m just tired of watching the same default rainbow colored cube transform into a ball and then back into a cube again.

I think it was a Honda engine… it followed the steps to build an engine piece by piece… if anyone has this screensaver or knows where to get it, it’d be greatly appreciated :wink:


its here


i woulnt mind that screen saver myself


that it?

Thats f’n awesome :tup:

dude you know i have it, why not just ask me?

saw one on a computer i was working on one day… it greatly slowed my progress… i couldnt stop watching it

wow thats quite impressive. I wish i ran windows natively… oh well itll have to be on my work computer


2 reasons~ 1 i’ve been at work a lot lately and haven’t been home so much, and 2 i asked you before and i think you couldn’t find the .exe =)

I haven’t downloaded the one cooley posted, but i hope its the right one, lol i love that screensaver!

thanks for the help guys :smiley:

GREAT SCREEN SAVER!!! and now for all the guys who come over with there questions i can just be like… um im gunna sleep…now watch my screen saver and figure it out. lol but this is 10000 times better then flying windows