Entourage - DVD

Hey just wondering if anyone has the first two seasons on dvd and would be willing to burn me a copy of let me borrow them so I can burn a copy.

I have them. Can’t help you out for about 2 weeks though when I get back in town though. Really pissed my crappy hotel doesnt have HBO and I missed yesterdays premere!!!

i have them in .avi… but i’m in DC for the summer… not sure if I can get them to you any way easily.

mine are just avi’s too that i converted to dvd format and burned a disk.

Ya Mike I am in Hamburg, if I can get a copy that would be sweet.

shoot me a PM in about 1.5 weeks when im home to remind me.

what time is this show on and what channel?

i just watched all of season 3 yesteday, i want season 4. all i have to say is, it was not a good ending episode :frowning:

its great if u watched from season 1… E went from a complete pussy to a serious badass… “you’re fired.” he means business.

favorite scene still: when johnny drama came to the rescue in vegas to attack a member of seth green’s crew who was threatening E.