EPIC encounter at work. MUST SEE


this is why i maintain that we need a much more expensive and technical and just simply a more difficult process of obtaining a license instead of herp derp that the USA has

You should have walked out there, said “oh, it won’t open?” “noo, AHH OMG BLAHBLAH”

“Here, let me give it a try.”

Turn left (nascar style). Open cap. Walk away.

Still funny though. haha

This reply doesn’t surprise me …should of seen this guy unleash the fury on the cadi at ASS

Btw the ticket your girl gave me won a saab manual …she can’t freaken lose can she lol

well, whats funny is this happened last week as well, just no footage. i didnt think it was posible to happen twice, but another idiot couldnt get the cap off and chris to the rescue.

do you work there or just blow him in the booth all day



oh is that what im supposed to do? im sorry but i dont want to take that away from you.:Idiots

Ive always heard about asian women being terrible drivers and this is just another reason they shouldnt be operating a vehicle


Edited the 3 videos all into one. Enjoy

sooo true!!!

calm down breehhhhhhhhhhh way to take a joke

All jokes aside this thread is SERIOUS


kramerbuccs24:do you work there or just blow him in the booth all day

Dam you beat me too it. Prepare for the neg Rep extravaganza

not lookin to give/receive negrepz just lookin to crack a funny at my dear friend brett

I know you were joking and it was a funny joke but you can’t say anything to him without getting neg’d lol I posted that I thought a car was a sleeper and he neg’d me lol.

died in laughter:rofl