EPIC encounter at work. MUST SEE

Ok so im sitting at work with a buddy of mine who came to visit and we hear a clicking noise going on in the backgroud. We think nothing of it. After about a full minute goes by I look outside the window only to see this…

So we are both dying laughig. This lady is seriously turning the gas cap to the right to try to unscrew it. I thought “i cant record this lady anymore this is cruel”. So i stopped. But then the clicking started again, she had got so worked up she had to take her coat off and come back for round 2, so i couldnt help but start recording again…

Once again after watching this for yet another minute I stoped recording, even after getting a flashlight she still couldnt figure this puzzle out. So we stared at her and thought man we cant let this go on for any longer, honestly no exaggeration 5 minutes have gone by with her still spinning it to the right and NOT ONCE does she think lets turn left. So i had to go out there…

After all this happened I am nothing but in shock from the level of stupidity that had just been displayed. That is all


What the hell… that lady is not even remotely a first time driver, I wonder if she does that every single time she fills up

wow :ham:

lol. so jdm



I can’t stop laughing

this is pretty fucking amazing.


And she has a license…this is truely scary…Funny as hell, but scary.

Nice story :tup:

I guess stupid doesn’t hurt. She was still smiling.

I fucking love that she brought out the flashlight…

This video is brutal to watch.

lol, that is great

That is outstanding footage of stupid

I love how far away she parked it. I pull up next to idiots like that and park so close they can’t get back in their car(if its driverside).:smiley:

She’s probably from Australia.

ROFL :slight_smile: