Epic fale on friday


There has to be some rustang ball-riders on here that saw this. Joke or no?

Sounds like the same thing as the thread that goes around on all the other car forums about the guy putting sand in his intake.

I call :bsflag:

Think Ive heard of this now with an Audi, a Neon, and now a Mustang

I deff call :bsflag:

The epic fail is that the same joke has gone down on almost every car forum… to the point it’s not remotely funny or believable. Quite honestly just boring at this point.

I’ve only seen this 37 times so far.

epic fale on the spelling in the title of this thread also.

was gonna say that is the fail of this thread lol

fale was intentional you tools :rolleyes:

I meant that you misspelled Friday. You forgot the capitalization and all…

Ruh-roh, thread backfire detected.