Ethernet Switch

Hey everyone! I’m looking to pick up a used/cheap Ethernet/Cat 5 switch for my house. I’m getting COD Ghost’s for PC this week and plan on having my buddy come over so we can nerd out. Before this, I need a switch. We’ve been having issues on Steam while he’s on my wifi and getting kicked, so I’d like to get a switch. # of ports doesn’t really matter to me, cheaper the better does matter lol. Anyone have one kicking around that isn’t needed? Thanks guys, happy holidays!

Your wireless router doesn’t have multiple LAN ports on the back?

$45 on Amazon

I’ll check my attic. If I still have one you can have it. It’s never going to get use here.

I think I have some old localtalk adapters laying around. LOL I keed.
You should be able to get a switch for $40 at best buy. Cheaper if 10/100 will do.

It does! Issue is, it’s in my uncle’s house (We live in a double) and I don’t want to run another 60ft ethernet line if I don’t have to haha. It was a bitch snaking mine down through the walls, so I’d rather get a switch for the convenience factor.

I found an 8 port on craigslist for $10 lol. Holiday season has left me strapped for cash, cheaper the better, right now at least.

Awesome!! That would be great Justin, thank you! Lemme know!

hahaha! Like I said to Prog, found an 8 port for $10. I’m going to call and see if it’s still available.

Thanks for the help guys! Appreciate it :tup:

Lag switcher !

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