Ever want a free squid fishing boat?

Yanmar. Its japanese you cholo!

i dont want that fuckign crap then. if it was detroit it’d prolly still be runnin.

still, that’s a shitload of scrap value you could buy ALL the Detroits with the cash from that

good point. ill just do a motor swap mid-ocean and fucking send 'er on home.

Overnight parts from mainland.

Fuck. If it was a tuna fishing boat, there’d be another joke there.


this the same boat?

Seems like a waste of US money right here… Lets motor out there in a little gun ship, shoot a few rounds at it. LOL at missing a bunch of times from only a few K feet away! lol. Then watch it start on fire then put it out and I assume return home and call it a day. All while shooting “you tube” video from a US Army plane/heli.

Need practice, how about stay in your own back yard water?

Canada is the USA’s lapdog. they’ll let us do anything we want to because they’re afraid of us.


As I said in the neg rep, Canada is one of our allies, they’re not afraid of us.

Plus it’s still in international waters, so WTF would Canada even be concerned?

ban that retard already fucking PLEASE

Pretty sure they sunk that ship a day or so ago since it was a navigation hazard. Sadly Skidplate wasn’t on it.


This kid is…somethin else. I’m usually not one to pick on people on here…but goodness gracious.

You know you’re bad when Ilya starts making fun of you. :rofl The most neutral member on here.

:lol…but really, come on, let’s be cereal.

There was a crew that set out in an attempt to tug the boat off


But yeah, US sunk it


they should have tied up skidplate in the cargo hold before it sunk. :skid