evo vs WRX-STI day raceway park ( NJ) march 6th

u goin or what brett

cant do it. have to work from 130-930 saturday. dont think im gonna be doing much show/drag event viewing or traveling this year

Quoted for when ur at LVD every wednesday and go to h2o his year lol


H2O is highly unlikely for this year, but still too far away to commit to going or not. i never said LVD wont happen, since its in our backyard but i went to Etown for a few events last year.

here are some pics

Wow the iphone camera sucks

word tell me abou it

haha looks like a good event though!

hahaha that camera is HORRIBLE.

im working on uploading vidz to you t00b, imovie is being a cunt though so i dunno if ill be done tonight

Looked dead

76 evos and stis, probably 100 cars total. not bad seeing as last week it was february with tons of snow on the ground…

Well I would hope Evo & STI owners would not be afraid of snow either way :rofl

I’m curious as to how many cars were there on the actual opening day on like Feb. 22nd :lmao

i just meant that it went from snow to track season in about a week.

today was opening day because of the weather last week…

Please tell me you did not get out at East Orange station… Well, you made to the event alive and with all your ca$h so I’m guessing the answer is no.

That’s FAR from a nice area.

Yeah it was helladumpy, and myself and my fordHAM buddy had to wait 45 min for a train back at like 7PM and it was already reallllll sketchy. We’re both 6’4"+ and 200lb+ so we weren’t too nervous but it was still not a pleasant area haha

Couple more from the day, didnt take a whole lot of pics for some reason lol.

LS1 swapped, went 119
Went 10.2 letting out!
Oh hai there

That coupe went 10.2 letting out?
holy SHIT

was really disappointed we didnt see the LSx 240 run

oh and i called the yellow viper’s MPH within .07MPH before the run even started hahaha