Exercise Equipment?

One piece of equipment
$500-$800 budgit
being used by male and female
low impact
looking to shed pounds
what would you pick up ?

im thinking elipticle(SP)

dont forget im old, not the oldest here but not far behind.

just for cardio?

if yes then an elipticle would be ideal. very good on the joints

Elliptical machine would be best bang for the buck.

I hate treadmills, and bikes just get boring.

use it towards a gym membership?

I cant use any one machine for too long…Gets too repetitive/boring.

An elliptical is pretty easy going, probably my preferred method of cardio. I feel as though they exaggerate the calories used, but whatever.

Treadmill is better though… I just don’t prefer them.

Stop eating fatty!


i have an elliptical for sale…and a tread mill. pm me if you want a deal

details on the eliptical? how old? make and model?

thats the problem i dont want to stop,

fuckin mcgriddles


i bought one of these…its the best “budget” elliptical you can find. its normally $1000 machine but this place has a smoking deal on them. ellipticals are very low impact and definatly a great workout.


I like ellipticals. One of my knees is all sorts of fucked up. (Had chunks of articular cartilege pulled out 3 times in high school.) Elliptical is the only cardio exercise I can do without walking with a limp the next day.

Find a deal on an elliptical and spend a bit more on some free weights and a bench.

Bought from sears 3years ago. Used in the winter. still in brand new shape. paid 699, sell for $300. might drop it off for $50. Treadmill used before the ellipitical, has not been used in 3years. comes free with ellipitical or $50 for the treadmill

some up…

elliptical+treadmill = $300
elliptical+treadmill+drop off (20miles from 14225) = $350
treadmill = $50 (not sure of working order)

Nordic Track CX 925, i do not know what the treadmill make is.

let me know

get some bowflex dumbells too

+1 one more for the elliptical. The problem with a gym membership is after a couple weeks you’ll keep finding reasons not to go (too busy, too cold out etc etc).

You’ll really feel like a complete piece of shit if you can’t find 20-40 minutes to workout right in your own home. Especially since you’re probably sitting there watching TV for at least that much time, something you could be doing WHILE working out on an elliptical.

no. get http://www.powerblock.com/