Extreme Weather / Natural Disaster Photography

Post pics of : tornados/hurricanes | cloud to ground lightning storms | volcanic eruptions | storm cells & other impressive natural occurrences.

Some of the pictures i’ve seen lately relevant to this, are truly impressive and makes for some serious photos.








The ultimate kick in the ass.
As if your shit NEEDS to be on fire when its ass deep in water.

i hear lightning is pretty hard to capture camera wise… any input on this?

thats insane.


in pics 3 and 4, it looks like there is a “fire ball” in the clouds as the lighting is going on. wtf is that?

Pure luck if shooting handheld, even in a 3shot/sec. burst. Some shots are long exposure, and alot are fakes (calaboration of multiple shots)<< none posted above are fake afaik…

Most of the real good pics are actually done by video, and then a program that supports high resolution screen capture.

Very small particles of ash, concentrated together creates static on a small level.
Since the ash cloud from a large volcano often spans for miles, with an insanely dense ratio of particle:air, the static=spark=lightning. The ashcloud is a backdrop for the lightning storms, so the pictures usually look insane.


You could probably capture lightning with a long exposure and high speed light activated trigger. Would be pretty cool to try out

^With the right gear/skill im sure.
but ive read of how when the lightning strikes, the flash is so quick and bright that it floods the image or light sensor (something like that) not really sure.

Like I said, with capabilities of highdef video today, screen capture is just as high of a resolution as a single shot would be, and much easier to get a shot of.

Sick pictures! Any of those available in wallpaper/background sizes?

10 & 11 are my favorites but they’re all just unreal.