I have a whole bunch of third gen parts off an 87 firebird
- edelbrock 750 cfm carb
- edelbrock performer rpm intake
- edelbrock TES headers and Y-pipe
- built 700r4 tranny
- b&M torq converter 2500 stall
- b&m mega shifter
- 305 complete engine
- stock 700r4 tranny
- stock 10 bolt rear end
- 1200 watt amp two 12" kenwood 700 watt subs in camaro box
please make reasonable offers
thank you
LOL, whats up foo, sellin shit I cee…get dat shit runnin alrady 
Is the rear end posi, what gears are in it? Also, what type of amp is that, make/model?
Be a bit more specific in your title next time. Thanks.
how much for the shifter???
yes finally sell all that stuff steve!
75 installed into my 89 camaro?
word. i just dont have time for my own car. 60?
deal, sounds good man just pm me your info
IS this stuff for sale or did the noob just not look at the date?