failvis moved

Travis Koch What I have learned since moving. #1. dinner don’t cook itself. #2. nh roads suck more than Monica lewinski. More to come…

9 hours ago via Mobile Web · Comment ·LikeUnlike

copy and pasted from facebook:lol

good riddance

now he has a new town of people to ripp off

he is gonna paint the town pink, watch out

just wait until whoever hes living with gets sick of him. he’ll be back guys, don’t worry :slight_smile:


yea didnt you hear? him and failvisa ran off together to NH :rofl

Thatd be prefect, but as long as she stays in Amsterdamn she mine as well be on a deserted island. Nobody ever goes to that place.

:lol i wish theyd build a huge bridge over amsterico so i can goto sacandaga lake without going through that dump hole

likes this.

and he didnt even say goodbye

this thread is full of WIN.

I think thats the first time Ive seen the word win in a Travis thread

this is a good thing!

i feel bad for the locals where he lives. that green cloud of stank is now hovering over them

This is the part where we find local forums and warn everyone.


well every subaru chapter throughout the US and parts of Americas Hat know about him, so thats covered.

www is a big thing. He’ll be back.
