I am pleased to announce that Falken Tire will be offering tire contingency to our “home” Sports Car Club of America region, Western New York for the 2017 Solo (autocross) season.
Up to (14) tires total across (5) different classes (WNY combinded classes):
See the PDF for OFFICIAL details (the long wordy version).
Less wordy version:
• Use (4) Falken tires (RT615K+ are best, but FK510 and FK453, or even all seasons should be more than adequate for a beginner)
• Display Falken decals, stickers or magnets during the event on your car
• Show up to at least 6 of these events
• Score points based on your lap time
• Highest points in 5 classes (the 200 treadwear classes) win at year end, you do not need to win class, just highest score with Falken tires
• Win up to (3) tires, (4) tires if co-driving a car
Top finishing ELIGBILE positions based on year end points with drops will receive tires, you do not need to win your class, just the highest finisher on Falken tires.
(9) tires for PRO, STREET, STREET TOURING, and CAM:
• Highest Falken finisher in PRO combined PAX (3) tires
• Highest Falken finisher in STREET combined PAX (2) tires
• Highest Falken finisher in TOURING combined PAX (2) tires
• Highest Falken finisher in CAM combined PAX (2) tires,
– CAM NEF event participation MUST either increase to 10 average per year,
– or 5 average per year with 2 average CAM-T per year.
(5) tires for NOVICE class:
• Novice Highest Falken Finisher (2) tires
• Novice 2nd Highest Falken finisher (2) tires
• Novice 3rd Highest Falken finisher (1) tires