Maybe flair, but not flare. But I suppose being British and all, it has a lot of potential to one day have flare…
–verb (used without object) 1. to burn with an unsteady, swaying flame, as a torch or candle in the wind.
2. to blaze with a sudden burst of flame (often fol. by up): The fire flared up as the paper caught.
3. to start up or burst out in sudden, fierce activity, passion, etc. (often fol. by up or out): Tempers flared at the meeting. Violence flared up in a new section of the city.
4. to shine or glow.
5. to spread gradually outward, as the end of a trumpet, the bottom of a wide skirt, or the sides of a ship.
- a natural talent, aptitude, or ability; bent; knack: a flair for writing rhymes.
- smartness of style, manner, etc.: Their window display has absolutely no flair at all.
- keen perception or discernment.
- Hunting. scent; sense of smell.