Family Guy and American Dad

I gotta admit, I thought American Dad was way funnier than Family Guy tonight… though the “top men” segment from Family Guy did get a good laugh.

I also noticed they are considering this a new season, which means I’ve got the Season 4 DVDs covered, at least for FG.

Hopefully the torrents for both of the new episodes will be available shortly.

they are

pm me if you want them all…

edit: theyre not dvd format thoug, wmp…

I’ve got all of the new FG and AD, I’m only talking about tonight’s episodes.

Here are torrents for the newest FG:

cool thanks for the link =)

i cant stand american dad

and im a HUGE family guy fan

Have you seen all of the episodes, or just the first couple? It has gotten better as the season progressed, IMO. Tonight’s episode was the best yet, I thought. I particularly liked the little ticker that was going on when Stan’s boss was announcing his promotion… :lol:

Oh yeah, anybody tune in a little early and catch “The War at Home”? That show had me cracking up. A couple of fine-ass ladies in it too. Though the daughter looks to be about twenty and the mother about 25…

war at home was really funny, i enjoyed it, thought family guy was pretty good as well as american dad. I definitely enjoyed the whole sunday night line-up, if anyone wants the new FG they can IM me at this name and i can get it up on my ftp server.

fuck the haters.

BTW, anybody who didn’t catch “The War at Home” Sunday night, here is a link for the torrent:

I highly recommend it. If it stays as funny as the first episode, I’ll be tuning in every week…

haha thanks again for the link… i remember seeing the commerical for the show and thought the daughter looked rediculously attractive

apparently my original inclinations were true :wink: :tup: :beer:

I can’t beleive Amercan Dad. The show is deff. pushing the envelop. I have been saving them the HD. I think Fox will get in trouble if they keep it up.

Family Guy was a lil dissapointing… but I just watched the movie a few days ago and laughed my ass off. So i suppose expectations were high.

AD was had me rolling.
“Do You have any gatorade? I seem to have left all of my electrolytes in Your daughter.” :rofl:
Yea, they’ll prolly get in trouble.


I love Family Guy American Dad is funny as hell too, The War AT home was good, I will def watch again

All of sunday’s shows were great, but American Dad was less great than the rest of the 8-10 shows.

Just watched Family guy movie yesterday, pretty good!