*Fast & Furious 6 Dinner and a Movie (5/24)*

Need to buy mine when i get home. Hopefully theres enough space for all of us!

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This. I’m slacking.

I was going to rent the theater, but decided against it.

Should be plenty of space, I posted the link for tickets as soon as they came out.

Get them now!

movie is so far off the orignal plot its not even funny. looks gayer than GTR owners with too much money and spend $250,000 on shotty fab work.

I haven’t even bothered to see beyond the 2nd one

So what you are saying is you’re coming?

That’s a lie… I sat next to you the last F&F release!!! We went to Chilies beforehand!

This. I just watched the first one last night again for the 500th time. I NEED an FD.

Its not so much about the plot its about getting everyone out of their houses and off their computers to come out and have fun together.

Hate on the movie all you want, still fun as heck getting a big group together and going.

LOL at people ITT complaining about the plot of a F&F movie…seriously???

Like Ryan said its about going out and having a good time.

This. I think a theatre full of us idiots makes it worth it regardless of how good/bad the movie is.


Seriously Ive never been to Chili’s with anybody on here or seen any of the FATF movies since the second one.

guess what, the plot of the first one sucked too…nobody sees these movies for the plot.

Nobody likes the tuna here!

This is why I want to go.

Also USMC you still got that ticket?

Sorry, I’m terrible at replying to PM’s LOL, it looks like I can go so I am going to keep it!

its cool, I’ll grab one tonight off the intarwebs.

How many people are planning on meeting up so far?

ill more than likely go see the movie the day after it comes out, not my point. its annoying how off topic the movies have gotten. more racing cars bro!

and no the idots annoy me more than anything. if im going to pay $12 a ticket im going to enjoy my movie, not be bothered by some F&F fan boi