*Fast & Furious 6 Dinner and a Movie (5/24)*

Yeah man.

Mom swapping is the new in thing.

Yup. If yours sucks at cooking that’s fine trade with me because mine won’t do anal.

Shit mines good at cooking and will do anal. Just make sure you wrap it up or you might find yourself pissing fire for a while.

Gonorhea up in this thread

Tomm is gonna be epic

I don’t know tom.

its pjbs sheep


Got tickets FOCKERS

Good thing you got them so far in advance…

Yo creep, you calling hooters today to let them know we’re all coming?

Pete, you might want to call chilis and get a reservation for one.


Cant wait for tonight! even tho the weather is going to be shitty. :pop

Seriously. It feels like winter is coming back or something. Will still be fun to meet some people though.

This is summer 2009 all over again.

I’m leaving my Grand Prix parked since I am beginning to part it out anyways. See ya’ll tonight.

See everyone tonight.

capcrizzew- I can call Hooters and let them know we’re coming but I honestly at this point have no idea how many to even estimate telling them. Could be a shit show. :rofl

Looking forward to it. :rofl

I already watched it from a torrent download. It’s like the ironman 3 of the F&F series. Very far fetched and whatnot but its the experience of going with a group and having fun more than the story of the movie.