Favorite corporate buzz words / phrases

“Careful, it’ll knock your dick in the dirt”

“Damn I’d love to fuck that bitch in the ass”

I worked construction for a few years…lol. I don’t have any new ones from my current desk job.

My officemate has gotten funny looks in meetings for referring to abandoned projects as aborted and proposals that never had a chance as still-born. PC’s not exactly his thing. :tup:

We’re only asking you to go after the low hanging fruit here.

We’re not asking you to put a square peg in a round hole.

Sales linkage ensures we are getting the sale related to the service provided.

Stickiness factor

I’m sorry Mike, we have no position for you at this time. (LUL)

He needs to be more subtle. “I’m not going to give you the status of this project outright, but it rhymes with shmashmorted.”

did that happen at the smashmortion clinic?

Should he call into the meeting with a prepaid… I mean, yeah. That’d be funny.

Yes, they did in fact take said project out back to the shmashmortion clinic.

My boss rapes the use of, “Let’s take this offline”.
I hate that one.

circle the wagons

Push back :nohomo:

Ahahaha… You made a post about it, but I reflect on the use of these words EVERYDAY. Sooooo funny :clap:

I will be compiling a list an printing them out as reminders to use on calls.

we might even start doing a “bingo” game of sorts.

A buddy of mine has played buzz word bingo in meetings before. Blue Cross in Rochester. Like, literal bingo boards and everything.

Don’t forget “leverage”

I should have known to just google it…


i use “leverage” and “value-add” daily.


how could I forget my favorite?

nailing jello to a tree

oh and someone just said “shake the bush” to me over the phone, I had to mute it before i laughed in his face.

emotional leakage? wtf

Shit, I used “I don’t want to reinvent the wheel here, where is the documentation?” today! Someone shoot me…

Or, give me something better to use instead! :rofl:

“sell something”

~typically a favorite of mine considering I’m NOT in sales lol