Favorite corporate buzz words / phrases

this guy keeps goin, I’m lol’ing

“drive the business”

Internal customer.

We need to align our efforts with the high level critical goals that we are leveraging to increase market share.

I hate the phrase “outside of the box” my 10th grade History teacher used to use it all the time.

“Side bar” when we talk on a conference call to someone on the call without a purpose.

My boss hates me for it.

right now I’m concentrated on gaining mindshare in the marketplace, bro.

“Take it Deep”

PEBKAC; alta-visitors; automagically; avatar; blame-storming; bloatware; bugrade; cluetrain; clusterfunk; cuddletech; cyberterrorism; dongle; dotsot; dot-bomb; dot-con; drownloading; e-vangelism; epinion; flamewar; genesmog; infotainment; initialpornooffering; irritainment; jackin; jackout; meatspace; meetling; mindupload; mousepotato; nanobomb; nerdrustler; opensores; penguinhead; poofcompany; referrersurfing; repetitivebraininjury; shopbot; smurfing; spammer; spamming; squammer; stealthURLs; stickiness; stresspuppy; streetcred; sucksites; telecosm; teledildonics; telepresence; telesmell; thinktanked; tickershock; trolling; virtualcommunities; wallhumping; ; ; ; ; 24/365; 24/7; B2B; B2C; ROI; action-items; aggregate; aggregatormarkets; aggregrationtechniques; applicationserviceprovider; applications; architect; architectures; back-end; back-endintegration; bandwidth; benchmark; best-of-breed; bleeding-edge; braindump; brandize; brochureware; bricks-and-clicks; buildingthebrand; burnrate; butterflyhub; catalogmarketmakers; channelconflict; channels; clicks&ampmortar; collaborative; communities; componantiate; content; convergence; criticaldifferentiator; cross-media; cross-platform; customeracquisition; customerrelationsmanager; customized; cutting-edge; cyberspace; deliver; deliverables; deploy; disintermediate; distributed; diversifiedhub; domainexpertise; dotbombs; dot-com; drive; dynamic; e-business; e-commerce; e-enable; e-markets; e-services; e-tailers; e-efficient; e-vangelism; embrace; empower; enable; end-to-end; engage; engineer; enhance; enterprise; envisioneer; evolve; exitstrategy; expedite; experiences; experiences; exploit; extend; extensible; extranets; eyeballs; eyeballs; facilitate; firstmover; frictionless; front-end; functionalities; functionalities; gapanalysis; generate; global; granular; grow; harness; horizontalhub; impactful; implement; incentivize; incubate; infomediaries; infrastructures; initiatives; innovate; innovative; integrate; integrated; interactive; interfaces; intranet; intranets; intuitive; iterate; killer; knowledgearchitecture; leading-edge; leverage; magnetic; marginofprevarication; markets; marketecture; marqueepartners; maximize; mesh; metrics; mindshare; mission-critical; models; monetize; morph; net-marketmakers; networks; next-generation; niches; one-to-one; open-source; optimize; orchestrate; out-of-the-box; paradigms; partnerships; pathtoprofitability; platforms; plug-and-play; portals; proactive; ramprate; real-time; reintermediate; reinvent; relationships; repurpose; reputationmanagement; reverseauction; revolutionary; revolutionize; robust; scalable; scale; schemas; seamless; seize; sexy; solutions; sticky; stickiness; strategic; strategize; streamline; supplychainexecution; supplychainintegration; supply-chains; syndicate; synergies; synergistic; synergize; synthesize; systems; target; technologies; traction; transform; transition; transparent; turn-key; ubiquitous; unleash; upside; user-centric; users; utilize; valueproposition; value-added; verticalhub; vertical; viralmarketing; viral; virtual; visionary; visualize; vortals; web-enabled; web-readiness; whiteboard; wireless; wizzy-wig; world-class; ; ; ; ; 360-degreesurvey; 60000footlevel; Profit=Income-Costs; TotalQualityControl; TotalQualityDriven; TotalQualityManagement; actualize; accountability; adaptive; all-handsmeeting; alphaoffice; alternative; analysisparalysis; appropriate; architect; aspirationstatement; ballpark; backward-compatible; benchmark; bestofbreed; bestpractice; bigpicture; bio-break; blamestorming; bleedingedge; boiltheocean; bottomline; bucketize; businesscase; businesssilo; buy-in; cash-neutral; champion; changeagent; changecatalyst; client-based; client-centered; client-focused; closure; clusterteams; communicate; communication; conceptualize; contribution; corecompetency; cost-centered; credibility; customerdirected; disintermediate; dogandponyshow; downsize; drilldown; dysfunctional; emotionalleakage; empower; empowered; empowering; empowerment; enable; endoftheday; enterprisewide; envision; envisioning; ethical; excellence; experiencingslippage; exponential; facetime; facilitate; fasttrack; flattening; flexible; fudgefactor; future-proof; gameplan; gapanalysis; globalize; gotheextramile; goal; goal-oriented; goal-setting; hardball; heads-up; heavylifting; herdingcats; highpriority; implement; implementation; infohighway; initiative; innovative; intellectualcapital; interactive; involuntaryretirement; issue; keyplayer; leadership; lean&ampmean; lessonslearned; leverage; livingdocument; long-term; low-hangingfruit; low-riskhigh-yield; knowledgebase; knowledgemanagement; marketsegment; marketing; masterylearning; mentoring; methodology; mindset; mindshare; missioncritical; missionstatement; monetize; morale; motivation; movingparts; multidisciplinary; multitasking; nailingJell-otoatree; networking; nimble; objective; opendoor; operationalize; opportunity; outofthebox; outoftheloop; ownership; paradigm; paradigmshift; Pareto-ize; peeltheonion; people-processes-technology; performance-based; phase; platform; positioning; powershift; premium; principlecentered; proactive; process; projection; proprietary; pushtheenvelope; qualitygap; qualityvector; quality; quarterly; rampup; re-engineer; realestate; recognition; regroup; reorganize; resourceconstrained; respect; result-driven; revenue; reward; rightsize; riskeffect; riskmanagement; robust; ROI; roundingerror; rubberstamp; scalable; scenario; schedulecompressed; seachange; serviceorganization; skillset; situation; smartsize; spearhead; solutioning; stand-alone; strategicfit; strategicgap; strawman; streamline; stretchtheenvelope; synergize; synergistic; synergy; tactical; taskforce; teambuilding; teamdynamics; teamplayer; tee-up; thinkoutsidethebox; tigerteam; tipoftheiceberg; touchbase; topofthehouse; trainwreck; upgrade; utilize; validate; value-added; visionstatement; WAG; win-win; workbreakdownstructure; worldclass; ; PEBKAC; alta-visitors; automagically; avatar; blame-storming; bloatware; bugrade; cluetrain; clusterfunk; cuddletech; cyberterrorism; dongle; dotsot; dot-bomb; dot-con; drownloading; e-vangelism; epinion; flamewar; genesmog; infotainment; initialpornooffering; irritainment; jackin; jackout; meatspace; meetling; mindupload; mousepotato; nanobomb; nerdrustler; opensores; penguinhead; poofcompany; referrersurfing; repetitivebraininjury; shopbot; smurfing; spammer; spamming; squammer; stealthURLs; stickiness; stresspuppy; streetcred; sucksites; telecosm; teledildonics; telepresence; telesmell; thinktanked; tickershock; trolling; virtualcommunities; wallhumping; ; ; ; ; 24/365; 24/7; B2B; B2C; ROI; action-items; aggregate; aggregatormarkets; aggregrationtechniques; applicationserviceprovider; applications; architect; architectures; back-end; back-endintegration; bandwidth; benchmark; best-of-breed; bleeding-edge; braindump; brandize; brochureware; bricks-and-clicks; buildingthebrand; burnrate; butterflyhub; catalogmarketmakers; channelconflict; channels; clicks&ampmortar; collaborative; communities; componantiate; content; convergence; criticaldifferentiator; cross-media; cross-platform; customeracquisition; customerrelationsmanager; customized; cutting-edge; cyberspace; deliver; deliverables; deploy; disintermediate; distributed; diversifiedhub; domainexpertise; dotbombs; dot-com; drive; dynamic; e-business; e-commerce; e-enable; e-markets; e-services; e-tailers; e-efficient; e-vangelism; embrace; empower; enable; end-to-end; engage; engineer; enhance; enterprise; envisioneer; evolve; exitstrategy; expedite; experiences; experiences; exploit; extend; extensible; extranets; eyeballs; eyeballs; facilitate; firstmover; frictionless; front-end; functionalities; functionalities; gapanalysis; generate; global; granular; grow; harness; horizontalhub; impactful; implement; incentivize; incubate; infomediaries; infrastructures; initiatives; innovate; innovative; integrate; integrated; interactive; interfaces; intranet; intranets; intuitive; iterate; killer; knowledgearchitecture; leading-edge; leverage; magnetic; marginofprevarication; markets; marketecture; marqueepartners; maximize; mesh; metrics; mindshare; mission-critical; models; monetize; morph; net-marketmakers; networks; next-generation; niches; one-to-one; open-source; optimize; orchestrate; out-of-the-box; paradigms; partnerships; pathtoprofitability; platforms; plug-and-play; portals; proactive; ramprate; real-time; reintermediate; reinvent; relationships; repurpose; reputationmanagement; reverseauction; revolutionary; revolutionize; robust; scalable; scale; schemas; seamless; seize; sexy; solutions; sticky; stickiness; strategic; strategize; streamline; supplychainexecution; supplychainintegration; supply-chains; syndicate; synergies; synergistic; synergize; synthesize; systems; target; technologies; traction; transform; transition; transparent; turn-key; ubiquitous; unleash; upside; user-centric; users; utilize; valueproposition; value-added; verticalhub; vertical; viralmarketing; viral; virtual; visionary; visualize; vortals; web-enabled; web-readiness; whiteboard; wireless; wizzy-wig; world-class; ; ; ; ; 360-degreesurvey; 60000footlevel; Profit=Income-Costs; TotalQualityControl; TotalQualityDriven; TotalQualityManagement; actualize; accountability; adaptive; all-handsmeeting; alphaoffice; alternative; analysisparalysis; appropriate; architect; aspirationstatement; ballpark; backward-compatible; benchmark; bestofbreed; bestpractice; bigpicture; bio-break; blamestorming; bleedingedge; boiltheocean; bottomline; bucketize; businesscase; businesssilo; buy-in; cash-neutral; champion; changeagent; changecatalyst; client-based; client-centered; client-focused; closure; clusterteams; communicate; communication; conceptualize; contribution; corecompetency; cost-centered; credibility; customerdirected; disintermediate; dogandponyshow; downsize; drilldown; dysfunctional; emotionalleakage; empower; empowered; empowering; empowerment; enable; endoftheday; enterprisewide; envision; envisioning; ethical; excellence; experiencingslippage; exponential; facetime; facilitate; fasttrack; flattening; flexible; fudgefactor; future-proof; gameplan; gapanalysis; globalize; gotheextramile; goal; goal-oriented; goal-setting; hardball; heads-up; heavylifting; herdingcats; highpriority; implement; implementation; infohighway; initiative; innovative; intellectualcapital; interactive; involuntaryretirement; issue; keyplayer; leadership; lean&ampmean; lessonslearned; leverage; livingdocument; long-term; low-hangingfruit; low-riskhigh-yield; knowledgebase; knowledgemanagement; marketsegment; marketing; masterylearning; mentoring; methodology; mindset; mindshare; missioncritical; missionstatement; monetize; morale; motivation; movingparts; multidisciplinary; multitasking; nailingJell-otoatree; networking; nimble; objective; opendoor; operationalize; opportunity; outofthebox; outoftheloop; ownership; paradigm; paradigmshift; Pareto-ize; peeltheonion; people-processes-technology; performance-based; phase; platform; positioning; powershift; premium; principlecentered; proactive; process; projection; proprietary; pushtheenvelope; qualitygap; qualityvector; quality; quarterly; rampup; re-engineer; realestate; recognition; regroup; reorganize; resourceconstrained; respect; result-driven; revenue; reward; rightsize; riskeffect; riskmanagement; robust; ROI; roundingerror; rubberstamp; scalable; scenario; schedulecompressed; seachange; serviceorganization; skillset; situation; smartsize; spearhead; solutioning; stand-alone; strategicfit; strategicgap; strawman; streamline; stretchtheenvelope; synergize; synergistic; synergy; tactical; taskforce; teambuilding; teamdynamics; teamplayer; tee-up; thinkoutsidethebox; tigerteam; tipoftheiceberg; touchbase; topofthehouse; trainwreck; upgrade; utilize; validate; value-added; visionstatement; WAG; win-win; workbreakdownstructure; worldclass; ;

“We have to do our due diligence here and really champion this product”

That’s a combo of two phrases used by two coworkers of mine…everytime I hear one of these it makes me hate the fact I work in a corporate environment.

are you kidding? This is like comedic gold…

Thanks for the long post that will probably derail this thread…

that list is from the source code of that bingo board you posted


edit: It was too annoying to try and re-format

edit 2: I will have you know I had to write a perl script to re-format that!!



F lol

Did you hear the new GM CEO at his first press release? He said something like, “We need to go deeper, harder and faster.” (That’s what she said)

I like her already. :tup:

If you’ve got time to lean you’ve got time to clean

Most hated in the restaurant biz.

Bottom Line

Below Cost

Price Match

Has anyone done the musical chairs game in the commercial that when the manager puts them on hold, they circle the table. I wanna say its a dunkin or chilis commercial.

We tried it once and when the person came back on the call. they heard us all slam into the table

get behind
area of opportunity
going forward
moving forward
move-ahead action
action item
big picture
open-door policy

Those are just a few that piss me off.

I worked at a financial consultancy years ago - we tried that on a conference with our corporate masters in Ohio. Worked out really well, actually. Mute button wins.