Favorite Old Movies


you consider that old?
ill give you old

cat on a hot tin roof
best years of our lives
all my sons (edward g robinson FTW mahhhhh)

Dumb and dumber
Office space

Alien series (up to part 4)
Terminator series (up to part 3)
Star Wars
Red Dawn
Godfather Trilogy
Coming To America
Menace 2 Society
etc, etc, etc.

so many good ones from the 70’s to 90’s.

One Flew Over the Cookoos Nest
Dog Day Afternoon
Taxi Driver

The Breakfast Club!!!

the color of money,hustler,trains planes and automobiles,porkys,american graffitti,dirty work…too many others

Dirty work? Thats like 8 years old.

go way way back think
The Fighting 69th

How old is old? Then I’ll answer.

Blazing Saddles - Mel Brooks film - FUNNY!

1940 writen about my unit back during WWII

just any of the stuff you would expect someone about 20 to have seen.

examples : anything listed above.


Cobra, kick ass stallone flick
Tango and Cash

Ghost, A Clockwork Orange

short circuit, lol i love the 80’s is on tv tonight…i like almost ANYTHING from that era

Scarface :tup:

Blues Brothers :tup:

Animal House :tup:

Uncle Buck :tup:

Breakfast Club :tup:

Rocky 4 :tup: (all the rocky’s for that matter,4 is my fav tho).




Citizen Kane

The Graduate

Easy Rider

Mad Max

Gone in sixty seconds (original version)