February Beat this Caption Contest!!

Usual Contest rules apply.

"Brings a whole new meaning to get out of jail free card "

Winner at the end of the month gets Mechanix Fast Fit gloves!

Winner gets chosen by the Shift518 Staff.
Staff members are not eligible for the prize, but may still participate.

Previous contest

Winner Is : cmcallister

They told me if i stay ahead for two turns they will get me out of this piece of shit.

Runners Up:
“Clarkson’s worst nightmare, two cars that will take a week to get around the track.”

Jersey Fresh
“Mr. President, if youll take a look at this pic, you will see that we truly do need a government bail-out”


“God this guy plays Monopoly like a n*****”

down with the censorship tyranny:vlad!


“Soo…ya wanna fuck or what?”

“i wish i could roll doubles and get out of here”

“yesterday i was a free man,now im dressed like the hamburgler and playing monopoly with boy george!”

“Obama impliments new ‘Game Day’ at Guantanimo”

“I’m already in jail.”

“Eh, you owe me 500 dollars for landing on boardwalk” “um no i don’t, thats not even a real mustache, go fuck your self”

Sure you may have won the game, but I’m still fucking you tonight.

I told you I’m only giving you a mustache ride if you win

“1991? WTF. I’m 1991. That asshole is wearing my jumpsuit again.”

“this shit sucks but it sure as hell beats candy land”

“Ok let’s skip the date and get to the ass fucking.”


Inmate 1991: You know, there can only be one…

Inmate 1991 with glasses: I know, but do you mind if I use the Iron?

benny why ya sell the weed to the cop,now were hear playin this bullshit

Inmate 1: We deserve to be here.
Inmate 2: Why?
Inmate 1: Because the door is open and we’re still sitting here playing monopoly.
Inmate 2: DOH!

So, are you down for another ride on the B&O Railroad?

why do we have the same inmate number

Man that photographer has a sweet ultra-wideangle lens!

at least these walls are cleaner than travis’s