looking for a 1995 or less integra, dont care if the motor is seized etc, would like a rolling shell if so. I am looking for a project for my dad and I besides Kountryquests mustang that i hope to get in feb.
I have a 95 Integra, LS, 153,xxx miles I believe. The cars actually sitting in Grand Island ATM but I plan on picking it up in the next week. Let me know.
EDIT - Body isn’t fantastic…
post some pics
buy that black 95 2door ls, i would buy it but the fuckin guy wont pm me back, maybe u will have better luck getting a hold of him, he only wants 1k
your going to make me hold the mustang that long? lol
if you can sell it go for it, i wont have the cash for that much until then.
lol I’m just messing with you, I want to see the integra built, I love them cars
I have a super clean 95 2dr integra for sale. Pm me if your still looking for one.