Female wanted sewing machine HELP

So I spent a bunch of money to buy a sewing machine a few years ago for some car upholstery and only used it a few times. I’m trying to make a seat cover for my motorcycle and I’ve spent hours watching you tube videos/trying everything and I still can’t get it to work. I’m literally ready to smash it off the ground lol
Does anyone have a girl friend, wife, mother or grandma that can help me to get this thing working? I’m not sure if I broke it or I went full potato and can’t figure it out. I will pay them $20 if it takes a few minutes to show me or more if it’s a bigger issue. It’s a singer curvy with like 50? Different computerized stiches. I can drop it off wherever and they can look at it when convenient. Thanks

I couldnt get mine to work either. Dont feel bad.

lol. Mine worked fine till I pulled it out 2 years later. I’m about ready to pay someone to make the cover and throw it in the garbage.

Take it to someplace to have repaired. JoAnn fabrics or Aurora Sewing both can service it.

I’ll call Joann fabrics tomorrow and see if they’ll fix it, I need to get heavy duty thread for leather anyways. I think the bottom spools timing needs to be adjusted, but I can’t find a how to.

This sounds like a personal ad

What’re you trying to sew? To sew materials for seat covers you’re going to need an industrial sewing machine, not a cheap shitter.

Waterproof vinyl material, it works fine and has plenty of power for that, also I have the correct needles. It’s not picking up the bottom thread to complete the stich.

That’s exactly what I broke both of my mother’s two sewing machines with. :slight_smile:

I bought it at joann’s and told them to give me what I need for a thicker material than I’m using now. I spent a few hundred and would’ve spent more, but she said it would work with no problem. She probably had a good 60 years of sewing experience lol. Everything is automatic, and you’re supposed to put the bottom bobbin in and it should scoop up the thread and loop it with the top. I guess if the timing is off it will miss and not pull the thread up. I’m taking it to joann’s so they can look at it. FYI The last sewing machine I used you had to pump it with your foot to make it move. My grandma didn’t believe in electric sewing machines, but this was over 25 years ago.

Why does it have to be a woman?

We as a society need to break down these gender roles!!!

I was being nice, didn’t want to come out and say I need a Mexican.

That’s more like it

I was really hoping SOMEONE would get my reference…

You probably just threaded the bobbin wrong. Didn’t it come with a manual? Oh wait, dudes don’t read those.

I have a manual and have watched every YouTube video I could find. It’s gonna end up being one stupid thing that I missed.

My tenant, is a seamstress and he is a dude. He also fixes machines for side income. Not sure what he would charge. But I’m sure he could help. If you want pm me and I’ll send you his contact info

Sounds good, just gonna try one last time, but if it’s a no go I’ll contact him. I really didn’t want to take it to joann’s. Thanks

Would that make him a seamster?