[Fifth/Top] Gear - MEGA POST

Season 3 is 1/2 way done. (transferring from home is capped at 20Kb/s )
Season 4 is complete
Season 5 is 1/2 way done.
Season 6 hasn’t started.

there we go now we have some action :wink:

yeah mike I’ll be moving the files around but its just a pain in the ass to edit the post afterwards and stuff even though it only takes a minute or so.

I’m gonna bug gonad to write me a proper .htaccess so only referrals of SON can grab them

i got about 366k last night when i was grabbing some 5th gear.

Why dont you create a l/p for users? I dont know if thats more work than moving the files around but that way you could give individuals (not much of us here) access to it and if you have multiple logins then you know the douche that has leaked it.

I havent d/l anything yet but seriously this is an AWESOME resource which Im about to tap into tonight.

That would just create way too much work for myself. Not interested in spending the time creating all of the logins and then monitoring it when I can just restrict it to son240sx.ca referalls only. They cant get to the links if they dont have a son membership.

Fifth gear season 8 is up, but we’ll have to wait for Jon to update the files and make all the links :slight_smile:
I also have season 6 and 7, which will be ready asap :slight_smile:

yeah i’ll get to them asap … sorry i’m a bit behind guys :smiley:

lots of work to do running 2 businesses and working full-time :X

Only 523 at my house right now :(I can’t believe my friend got better transfers on rogers.

Seasons 3 & 4 are done.
Season 5 has started and will be continued at 20KB/s


  • Added Fifth Gear Season 8
  • Added Top Gear Seasons 3 and 4

Enjoy :smiley:

Over 100GB downloaded today. Yay :smiley:

nice, how long are u goin to host this stuff for?

I uploaded Season 6 & 7 of Fifth Gear… I guess Jon will organize the files tomorrow and edit the first post

as far as I know those are the last 2 full seasons I have. I only have bits and pieces of season 4 and 5… and that’s it :frowning:

nice, how long are u goin to host this stuff for?[/quote]

who knows, grab them while i’m still in a giving mood. :smiley:

Sorry for slacking on this guys!

Out of respect to Richard Hammond I propose that we illegally pirate more Top Gear episodes. I have posted all of season 5 and all of season 6 for top gear.


(Post your download speeds to say thanks)