Final Fantsy 12

I am a little disappointed in the game so far, I feel the story is sporadic and does not build up any depth on the characters, things just happen…references to terms come out of nowhere, you will fight each dungeon for an hour to get about 10 minutes of story, the battle system is awesome, the characters are awesome, the weapon classes are cool, licensing is a neat concept, the limit breaks are cool, but get old quick, I do like how difficult parts of the game can get when you are fighting notorious monsters.

I am 43 hrs in but thats because I spent 15 or so of those doing side quests. the rest you spend in dungeons, I am about 2 dungeons from beating the game…

Hmm… I might need to pick this up.

there is nothing wrong with dance majors…

we are flexible…

i’m not a major…but i take dance classes 3 times a week

thank you :wink:

yes yes … she can bend her self into positions i didn’t think were possible… and its SAWEET… maybe i can just get her to come over and watch me play the game…

she can “cuddle” with me while i play

PLEASE tell me that they are using materia equipped to armor/weapons again (I was hoping they were… atleast when the rumors were going around that it was going to be a FFVII remake)

not at all, You kill an enemy you get either 1 or 2 License points then you go to your menu to the license grid and you learn skills by spending LP and moving to another square(looks like a checkerboard), you learn all your magic like this, and by the time you get to where I am and having these accessories that 2x your LP, I have no where to go on the grid, everyone knows most of the magics(except for the ones I still need to buy), still actually quite a cool system because I made fran and Mage archer, and ashe a kind of paladin(mage knight) with strong magic but also decent attacks

:tup: nice, sounds like it’s loosely based off of the FFX leveling/magic system.

Don’t get me wrong, it was sweet… but the whole assigning materia to weapons/armor, then mixing them with different status effect materia was just an awesome concept IMO. especially since you could then remove that magic from one player and assign it to someone else.

do they still have party switching while in battle?

I can’t wait to play this ish

Who are you, and what have you done with Kristen? Since when did you become a Final Fantasy nut?

I played it on a demo machine in the BLVD mall, seems pretty good. I’ve been out of the loop since IX so I don’t understand the chain thing when you are in battle, and there are some other stuff. But gameplay and story are as solid as ever.

Yeah, I’ll pick it up eventually, along with whatever the next installment of Metal Gear turns out to be. But I think I might pickup Final Fantasy VII: Dirge of Cerberus first.

FF9 ftw.

Chaining is when you kill successive mobs of the same type.
I’ve barely got into the game far…

The gambits are cool. Like preprogramming how your characters act.

whats with all the elemental based stones? Is there some sort of weapon/armor creation process?

monsters drop “loot” and you sell them at the stores for money, the more monsters of the same type you chain the better and more “loot” you get from them

just picked this up today.

wow wtf just happend to my sunday.

lol @ krazy on kristen’s SN

You don’t think i’m that cool? :frowning:

I’m disappointed.

This game is made of win :3 I rather play this then Gears of War. Although Gears is very fun and makes me scurred when I hear monsters