Finally have some pics of the new ride...

sweet hopefully some one sends me a money-gram and i can have a matching motor.
nice ride tho

minus rear quarter panel rust, and less reliability :tup:

It’s a back up motor…duh


can you believe this guy


Nice! I guess I’ll be seeing it around in Hamburg, sweet.


Seen you today over by expert tire, car looks good :tup: See you around Hamburg.

haha, yea saw you by lake st.

ahhh so thats where i saw this car… very nice man!!

expert tire, wtf were you doing there???

he hates you and your gen3 top end powa

it was out of spite!!!

i will slash your tires and then laugh as i make you get new advans from me


haha, stupid inspection… I changed my own brake bulb cause they did not know how to get the tailight off :confused:

yes, the one screw and clip is so difficult :bloated:


Car looks great :tup:
