Financial bailout plan costs 1/2 trillon dollars

Ummmm I don’t want to pay for this… let everything fail. Not my faulty greedy fuckers took too much.

Struggling to stave off financial catastrophe, the Bush administration on Friday laid out a radical bailout plan with a jawdropping price tag — a takeover of a half-trillion dollars or more in worthless mortgages and other bad debt held by tottering institutions.

I really need to read into the details of this further and try to understand it. If the government is buying up bad loans, who exactly is going to pay them back? The people that should have never taken the loan in the first place?

I guess since I’m a responsible person, I can pay my own mortgage and then kick in some more in taxes to bail out the irresponsible assholes. I hope they end up with terrible credit and can’t acquire a loan for less than 25% interest. (This does not apply to those who have a valid reason for getting in over their heads, i.e., those who don’t feel the need to live beyond their means.)

a half trillion dollars? :rofl: get real.

We’ve ALREADY SPENT A HALF TRILLION DOLLARS. This new bullshit is in addition to that. And it’s more like $1 Trillion, not a half. Bringing the total tab to 1.5T.

I’ve never been more ashamed to be an American.

you could always leave the country, nobody is forcing you to stay here .

this is definitely sad. irresponisble citizens, irresponsible lenders, the economy comes tumbling down. This is what happens when money can be printed any day of the week.


why should I leave? I’m not one of the idiots running it into the ground!

Amazing how all of the prognostications that Ron Paul has been yelling about for the last 2 years are coming true. To the fucking letter.

But he’s a total wacko!!!

There was a video of him talking about this exact series of events in (I think) 2003. I’ll try to find it in a minute.

maybe im taking it the wrong way but i dont think your ashamed to be an american as much as you are ashamed of the people running it maybe. does that sound better?

Good thing Republicans are hard at work shrinking the size of government.

meh. The idiots that went out and got loans for houses they could not afford that were valued twice as much as they were the year before. Lots of greed/stupidity in this situation on pretty much all ends. The thing that pisses me off is that Wall Street is getting a free pass while the consumer is not.

couldnt agree more , but why didnt the govenment step in before the crisis and do something? im in a perfect example of the of the poor loan policies. when my wife and i purchased our home they went off her credit which is good but she only makes 1350.00 or around that number per month , she has a car paymrnt of 275.00 a month and credit card bills every month. with all of her travel to and from work ,2 kids,food,and other home monthly bills she is about 700.00 dollars in the negative and they gave here a 650.00 dollar house loan … my credit or home input was even put into question for all they knew we were married and thats it. not if i even had a job. if i didnt work there would be no way she could afford a house.

welcome to the dark side of free market capitalism. where NOTHING but the almighty dollar matters.

the banks are no different than crack dealers… enabling the junkies to get their fix…well the party just ended and someone threw the lights on, and everyone is going to have a hell of a hangover.

So he predicted exactly what is now happening and he has the most consistent voting record in all of Congress. How exactly does that make Ron Paul a wacko?

He is the voice of reason in DC, not to mention he’s the only honest member of either house that I have been able to locate.

Start comparing what comes out of their mouths to how they vote and you’ll find 2 houses of liars with very few exceptions.

So why doesn’t the average American know about Ron Paul and what he stands for? I was at a party last night and threw out his name and a couple people looked at me like I was retarded. I had to go into a 45 minute speech on why Ron Paul was the fucking man and every other politician is a crooked, lying, sack of shit.

I do not blame the banks for handing out money like it’s free candy, it is all the end users fault. If you are stupid enough to get a loan for more than you can pay, fuck you. Everyone wants to blame everyone else except themselves for mistakes.

I kinda hope the economy gets 10x worse and the citizens overthrow the government and start over, that would be :cool:

It’s a two part problem. First, there is a lot of overlap in the ownership and interests of big media and big banking, so you won’t see a lot about Ron Paul’s anti Federal Reserve message in the media. And since American’s are morons who get 90% of their news from TV, very few know what’s going on in the world, but they do know who’s winning on American Idol.

It’s not a pretty picture for anyone, but I agree that would be the best overall outcome for our country.

Yeah, but the people that were doing this KNEW that they were running the companies into the ground. They knew they were building up a bubble that would eventually burst. And they knew that when it did everyone would go bankrupt. But of course the CEO’s will get to keep all their money, and get sweet severance packages, and retire to where the fuck ever and everyone else will be totally fucked. This is Enron x 1000000

But why should I have to pay for some fuck driving a company into a ground over greed? And I definitely shouldn’t have to pay for a retard going out and getting a 250k ARM mortgage. Not my fault you took something that was too good to be true. Man up and take it on the chin like the working man. Just because you are financially irresponsible / clueless doesn’t excuse you from paying for your mistakes.

some homeowners had jobs working for business’ that went kaput. trickles down the food chain. can’t blame ALL the homeowners that bought a house later to find out the business they worked for went out of business.

Good thing i’m in the refuse business. can’t outsource my job and refuse will ALWAYS need collected and disposed of in the USA.

you shouldnt.