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Find me a local 89-93 SE!!! Parts car…
500 or under. and 500 is kinda pushing it for a parts car.

What i need/want
~the carpet that hooks on the back of the back seat for the whole hatch.
~the molded rug that goes around the shock towers
~Hatch light for a SE model, thats above the back seats.
~Whole hatch carpet…maybe
~S14 Coolent overflow tank
~S13 SE Power Door panals, black only!
and really i think thats it… i have alot of shit to comb though to see what i really need

Have you tried looking for new aftermarket fenders at a place like Keystone? Ive got aftermarket fenders on my Mustang because I couldnt find good used ones and they fit fine.

that would be to easy paul

Get Z3 fendahz. I know you like them vents.

ive had a set for almost 2 years now. im trying to sell them.

throw them hawt shits on

no. My lowered car plus fiberglass.

…thats all i need a 300 dollar set of fenders gone in a second…

(reminds me of the show destroyed in seconds)

give me a shout tomorrw i own a body shop i could prolly get you these part new and cheap 723-3333 names ed

i forgot about you lol i sold you that intake a whilllllle back for your bluebird. ill give ya a call tommrow sometime

u got z3 fenders for a 240 jeff?


those exact ones. i bought aWHILE ago.

Edit: x2 fixed it.

copy and paste that WHOLE address

uhhh you said you wanna do a S13.4 front end converson… why waste money on another stock S13 front end?? put the money towards the conversion fenders…

what interior pieces are you looking for I have alot of parts im not using

the carpet that hooks on the back of the back seat for the whole hatch.
the molded rug that goes around the shock towers
Hatch light for a SE model, thats above the back seats.
and really i think thats it… i have alot of shit to comb though to see what i really need

also a decent no tear whole s13 hatch rug wouldnt be a bad idea either. i wanna clean it good and fabric paint it black

Updated. i have a car im looking at noon tommrow 20 minutes away… frontend hit into a pole. supposidly the fenders are ok… well see. I need/want these parts now!!! :frowning:
