Fire In The Hole!!!!!!!!!

Hahahahahahahahaha wow good laugh

HAHAHA i found this fucking funny

Back in the day when i worked at mcdonalds, someone did that, and a police cop was just pulling into the lot, needless to say. Hilarity ensued

I loooooooovveeeeeeeeedddd it…

someone do that at tim hortons with coffee.


someone do that at tim hortons with coffee.


Ya, nothing like making someone blind for the rest of their life. :tdown:



what a bunch of scumbags. People that think thats funny are fucking stupid.
I would slam that shitfucks head in a car door a few times.

it’s still hilarious

hope it happens to you


Thats totally degrading to someone trying to make an honest living…



Thats totally degrading to someone trying to make an honest living…


haha, its still funny as fuck tho

not really that funny


what a bunch of scumbags. People that think thats funny are fucking stupid.
I would slam that shitfucks head in a car door a few times.


same here minus the violence…

As long as no one got hurt, then it can be mildly funny. Someone doing it with hot coffee or something like that, thats fucked up.

Childish and moronic.

Of course, the old video of the kid that did this and left his car in park is always funny to watch :lol:


Childish and moronic.

Of course, the old video of the kid that did this and left his car in park is always funny to watch :lol:


yea and these kids all ripped this off of brandon dicamillo in the movie Landspeed.

even the entire saying “fire in the hole” was coined by him (at least on film)

I guess I can see where some people say “zomg thats mean and w/e” but its still funny… hell I worked at mickey d’s during highschool… the shit wed pull there and the stuff that would happen during drive through s what made that job one of the funnest jobs I ever had, gives you stories to tell. Now doing it with coffee on the other hand, yea thatd be pretty ghey and mean, but water??? Cmon now its funny as shit and you all know it

side note: Im not trying to stir up emotions here, I understand some people have a different sense of humor…

when i worked at mighty in high school no one ever did that to me, my friends used to come through and hand me mixies (liquor and pop in a pop bottle) most nights…

good times