Tentative Schedule:
5/23 - Waynesburg
6/05 - Beaver Run
6/23 - Waynesburg
7/25 - Waynesburg
9/11 - Beaver Run
9/18 - Waynesburg
10/3 - Waynesburg
hmm, beave run might be doable
best get you a stroller…so you can watch from the sidelines
more than likely you will be baby sitting once the results fromt eh test come back. she will race while you babysit!
Hopefully I can run into you and micah this year
Hey Val! That would be great. I’m assuming Mark will have my engine back together for the Jetta and I may even bring it out. What’s the status on your car?
That’s too far if I break anything.
lol probably… but as long as i get to go ill be happy
oh snapple gotta get my whip together
Zelie would be real nice!