Flight 3407 JOKES - Your one & only warning

It is too soon.

WNY is too small.

I know for a fact that there are a few NYSpeeders that are grieving direct losses from ths mishap.

This site is still a community. Act like one now.

Jokes / observations / inferences made in poor taste will be deleted and you will be infractioned, banned, or banished.

Until further notice. Thanks.




:tup: to the nazi moderator

thank you

Agreed, but having read this before you put a force on the forum for reading it, and then trying to post and having it direct me back here was quite annoying :wink:



:clap: to NIKUK

At first i was like “Noooo! I didn’t even comment about the flight! Just about the beheading!”
But i see what you did here. :tup:

Indeed it was a bit annoying, but this def needed to be said, :tup:

Well said.




I couldn’t imagine doing anything of the sort.

100% agreed.
