Flipping off Hot Girls


WTFuck…its kinda funny when he gets beat.

so instead of potentially banging a hot chick, he flips it off, and runs like a coward

fucking loser

he’s not a loser

He’s a flaming douche


1:05 lol’d at it,she was hot.

its dos nuff said. :stuck_out_tongue:

i just like how he got beat the rest was lame because it was behind their backs.


Kicked in the nuts show is 1000X better

If it hadn’t have been for this comment I would have missed this little gem. That was pretty funny watching a tiny girl beat him up.

true, but any hot chick that would bang him would be a loser too not matter how hot she was.

29 seconds is where my patience ended.

lol. what a loser. the first girl he brought the megaphone out for nearly cried.


I havent seen any hot chicks yet…so far alot of mediocre chicks but the chick that beat him had a nice tukus

GROWN man being ignorant… hmmmmm. :eyebrow:
That was stupid.

hilarous, now thats funny stuff right there

that was possibly the worst 3 minutes of my life except for him gettin his ass beat that was almost worth watching the entire clip

I concur, Nice tukus in deedy

what a tool

all this reminds me of is Xander getting chased by some chick in pennsylvania.