made by yours truely, shouldn’t be any copy cats out there.
I have no use for it anymore since I will be in Vegas. I’m not even going to try getting it on the Plane.
PM me to come pic it up if you wish. I leave for Vegas at 2pm Tomorrow…so you have to let me know by then
I don’t want to see it go to waste. Light not included.

A black T-Shirt glued to the inside of the box is how it’s suspended, FYI.
Hahaha, best costume ever. :lol:
ugh i would so wear this out tomorrow night if i didnt have to work. shit shit shit!!!
:tup: saw this at Jims steak out, great costume Josh!
too late… boarding the plane soon.
whats that whale penis made out of?
that’s a whale penis? I thought everyone’s was that size
is this really for free if it is ill come scoop it up if ur not too far