you need to stop junking up my thread and stop giving me shit… you pm’d me and i told you that i already have a guy buying it and the only way i would let someone like you buy it is if you offered me more money. either stop being a cheap ass and pay a little more money or look for another xbox somewhere else. thanks.
Is it sold or not?
Any wireless controllers with it? Wired controllers really suck.
I have a sale pending right now for next week, unless someone offers me a much better price.
as for the controller, no it only comes with a wired one. My wireless one never worked correctly.
Did your sale go through?
SOLD! thanks again mike
know anyopne that needs a rockband for the x360? if so send them my way!
nice price too!!!
:eek3: :booty: Hey Eurodad, did you send this guy/girl their Christmas card yet?
hey german with a bowtie, did you see that this thread is over yet?