For the hottest XXX chatting..

Brendan called you back but all i got was “Press 1 for Peaches the horny nun, press 2 for peppermint the naughty teacher, press 3 for Thor the evil wizard” :gotme: i didnt know which one to choose

lol, mike you fucker. i remembered the number as a familiar one but couldnt quite pinpoint who it was.

i should have figured it was you. the least you could do is send me some nudes of this jen chick on my phone now :tup:

would you send me n00dz via text messages if i gave you my number?
it may be creepy and all bc i’ve never met you. but lmk.

Spreadsheet of everyone’s numbers

ieven though i know u havei it and i talk to u on a daily basis :slight_smile:

716 997 4959


For your nerdy drunken gaming, and emergency photoshopery needs


would you send me n00dz via text messages if i gave you my number?
it may be creepy and all bc i’ve never met you. but lmk.


oh he will.

he’s known for posting nudez all over the web too.

mainly erotic poses with his boyfriend, but some solo too.

Spanx guys, sc1chik…sorry, no newds for you I only send those to dudes.

I got the rest of yas, kthx :smiley:


Spreadsheet of everyone’s numbers







Glad someone enjoyed it. It has gotten me a few times on other forums.


Spanx guys, sc1chik…sorry, no newds for you I only send those to dudes.

I got the rest of yas, kthx :smiley:

