For The Kouki Lovers

the girl on the left is sexyyyy

I gotta say the chick on the right takes the prize. Better legs and body

Looks like an S13 is stealing the show.

Don’t be picky lol

I also prefer the one on the right.

Im not picky lol I just think shes better lookin imo

the one on the left’s got a nicer ass

believe me the one on the right has a wayy better ass…

^ lmao…right one’s got hardly any curves, left one’s got some nice ass and body along with not looking like she’s starving of food.

Then again, most of you guys are scrawny lol.

got any more pics of them?

in the first pic i’d take left, second pic i’d take right

however, i would prefer both

No, we’re just not not chubby chasers :stuck_out_tongue: Girls like that tend to look good with clothes on, but then you see some flub when they get naked. For me, that’s almost a boner kill. I like to err on the side of caution and go with the skinny ones.

haha, I hear where your coming from, I’m a big guy “muscular” so I’ve always strayed away from skinny girls and more for girls with booty and some decent meat to them but to each their own, I don’t like “fragile feeling” or looking women :stuck_out_tongue:

but on topic, I’ve always loved S14’s for their tolerance and look with wide tires, they got the american muscle look to them! but I think S13’s win the cake on those forums with the hottest s13 thread ever! :smiley: