ford plans to add Mustang Sedan and wagon models mto the lineup

WHY ???

cant ford come up with a better idea for fighting the dodge lineup ?

and this is a differentlink and a different picture :stuck_out_tongue:

makes the baby jesus cry.

hey, lets take a good idea that sells a lot of cars and turn it into shit. If we are really lucky it will fuck up the sales of the orginal car also :tup:



bye-bye Ford

why oh why would they do something like this :frowning:

Ill believe it when they start production, until then, doesnt mean to much.

BTW, thats pretty funny. I think Ford is trying to not sell anything with all these ideas…

they could just improve build quality

that might make me get more psyched about domestics

i mean shit, just build substantial interiors that don’t fucking break if you look at them funny

Honestly, if it had a different name than Mustang, I think it looks pretty cool.

:gay2: One of the lamest decisions Ford can ever make…

What do you expect? That’s pretty much every domestic manufacturer’s business plan right now.


ford said that they will not make a 4 door mustang or wagon.

I’d rock one.


NEW YORK ( – Ford Motor Company released a statement today calling reports that the company would make four-door variants of its Mustang sports car “not true.”