Forgot how creepy this was.....

I would fucking wreck that

She is not hot w/o makeup.

She looks like a typical 16 year old.

So, are you aloud to take her to Rhode Island since the age there is 16 accoding to the stipper artilce on CNN?

Campared to other “disney” stars she’s the lamest. Now the chick from wizards(selena gomez) or demi lavato are very good looking, miley not so much

This post freaks me out.

And Miley Cyrus is NOT attractive, even for a 16 year old. The last picture she’s almost ugly, and I hate that stupid fake lip pout all women do in myspace pictures.

naaa i’m not creepy old dude my kids are just the age to watch those shows often

she is fugly.

Auto tune does wonders…

Agreed. I feel you on Selena. She’s cute. Miley isn’t that cute, and her speaking voice annoys me.
