Miley Cyrus

Is 18 today…

No more pedo bear :slight_smile:

Yayz! She can now spread them legs in public…

wait. did not know she was born 2 days before me. dope. lol

Smokin body, but her face reminds me of a monkey.

But that voice… it’s so sexy … like that chick I boned at a truck stop. :lol:

Her face isn’t bad, its her Gums/ horse smile.

She could definitely make me waffles for breakfast, but I’d have to get over her face lol

I think she’s pretty hot and I’m sorry but Party In the USA is catchy as fuck. When she talks however…I mean when did she start smoking 8?

Gotta put my hands up, they’re playing my song.

I would give up my left nut to be in Miley. I’d rape her in front of my mother and smile while doing it.


Jailbait Miley ftw.

this thread has LOTS of potential…

I bet her snatch smells delicious too, like a smell that Yankee candle should mass produce and sell as an air freshener.

I kinda want to throw up now…

didn’t she have nudes floating around?

wow! I would not be disappointed with those.

when i seen this all i could think about was that song dirty picture

This thread should be renamed to Miley Cyrus porn watch 2010