Former Local WRX Turned R32 Owner's Old WRX

Got rid of the Enkei RPF1’s… AN WENT WITH ROTA’S!!! ROFL!!!

Also added STi Brembo’s though.

+1 for STI brakes
-1,000,000 for Rota’s over Enkei RPF1’s
-10,000,000 for going 18x9, rolling fenders, and sticking a 235 tire on


always loves gold rims on white cars …

but… nothing against rotas (i sport them) I just don’t dig the look of those for some reason. Car is clean as fuck though, if i had the $ i would go out and buy the same right now. I love wingless WRX’s

always loves gold rims on white cars …

but… nothing against rotas (i sport them) I just don’t dig the look of those for some reason. Car is clean as fuck though, if i had the $ i would go out and buy the same right now. I love wingless WRX’s

Batman! Call Robin! Double post!

LOL @ all the little carbon whippets. Very fancy.

carbon shit was on there pre-sale.

They are still just as fancy as I originally thought.

i miss seeing this car in my 'hood :frowning:

Can I get some recognition for finding this and showing Justin and Travis? :rofl

No because you kept it to yourself and withheld valuable information from the community. I had to take action today and get this in public forum. -1 for you Caz :slight_smile:

I miss riding in this car to go get Subs at lunch.


You were the one who didn’t wanna post it. So I did.

so wait… who’s friggen car is it?

Jon Therriault (SP?) aka Hater had it. He then sold it.

Yeah, this was a super nice ride. I did some work to it(tranny rebuild, EWG, etc) right before he sold it and bought the R32. This was such a clean car.

Those Rotas just look weird on that car.

:ahh Damn kids and their rotas :wtf