^^haha ya i wonder why… but still does look really good.
Heres my contribution…
all the banners will be posted up no worries
if you’d like a picture to be a banner, it’d be appreciated to post the origional pictures, i really need them to be a minimum of 1000px in width so that i don’t sacrifice resolution or quality. you can either pm me for my msn, or upload them onto http://www.imagemule.com and i will get them done. just straight off the camera would be perfect, as any touch-ups or adjustments i can do in photoshop.
Rich, Church, David, mind if I send senor-picture-taker, kevburgler the link to our ‘wild’ weekend?
nice bannrs kev…
Go for it bro.
Woot cant wait to see these set of banners :A
one from the meet last night.
Just have to photochop that license plate… hehe:)
thats a sexy picture !!
your officially my new best friend!!! that new banner is damn sexy just minus my damn license plate. lol
^^^ eh’ Alex, Im thinking that one has my vote!
^^^we’re not biased or anything but thats probably the best banner ever. lol
haha damn plate… but thats a really sick picture…
i did a quick 1 min photoshop of the front plate. i can re-do it again tomorrow when i have some more time.
that looks a lot nicer. lol
damn thats a nice one i like it.
kev deserves all the credit. he made our cars look 100 times better. luckily im fixing up my car so it should look decent for our next photoshoot.
wonder if his camera skills could make my car look all nice… ohh wait i would have to actually get around to washing my car first. damn.