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:rofl: HAHA Poor skunk.


same belt/jeans/shirt/glasses/earring/FACE, its ridiculous to be honest

Was that taken outside Applebees?


belt…no…jeans…sure. shirt…GOD NO…that shirt is horrible. glasses…somewhat…earings?? i havent worn earings in years…face…no

bullshit. i’ve seen you wear that fvcking shirt. and you had earrings last time i saw you, its YOU

same hair too. or you could put some stupid A/X had on him …either way, its you

Spittin’ image.

:doh: <3

oh god. sorry iw as so heated at him denying it that common sense slipped my brain

i have NEVER worn a shirt like that…nor would i ever… so i have no idea what you’re thinking of…and again…i havent worn earings in years. i took them out when i moved to fl look at that asshole

well…at least im in GQ

lol perfect match

[13:51] teqxero9: callin me an asshole cuz im in his sunglasses takin the pic
[13:52] TyrannosaurusCuv: no no, skunk looks like an asshole
[13:52] teqxero9: i KNOW
[13:52] teqxero9: but he GOT U THERE
[13:52] teqxero9: with his reply
[13:52] TyrannosaurusCuv: oh i didnt see
[13:52] TyrannosaurusCuv: but im sure itll be easy to clear up that its him that looks like a prick

[13:56] SkUnKApE 123:
Micah (1:56:05 PM): u two

Micah (1:56:10 PM): need to chat over coffee or somethin

Micah (1:56:15 PM): maybe get along someday
skunkape123 (1:56:17 PM): ew

skunkape123 (1:56:20 PM): i get along

skunkape123 (1:56:23 PM): i like kyle

skunkape123 (1:56:25 PM): he is a FRIEND
Micah (1:56:27 PM): u both HATE eachother

Micah (1:56:28 PM): so much
skunkape123 (1:56:35 PM): lol i dont hate him at all

[13:56] TyrannosaurusCuv: i hate him.
[13:57] teqxero9:
“Aarons.jpg” (1:56:20 PM): i get along

“Aarons.jpg” (1:56:22 PM): i like kyle

“Aarons.jpg” (1:56:24 PM): he is a FRIEND

Teq Xero 9 (1:56:27 PM): u both HATE eachother

Teq Xero 9 (1:56:28 PM): so much

“Aarons.jpg” (1:56:35 PM): lol i dont hate him at all

Teq Xero 9 (1:56:43 PM): stop the h8 and appreci8

“Aarons.jpg” (1:56:52 PM): hahaha

“Aarons.jpg” (1:56:52 PM): sirn

Teq Xero 9 (1:56:59 PM): stop being a princess!

[13:58] TyrannosaurusCuv: i just love trying to get you mad like OLD aaron
[13:58] TyrannosaurusCuv: befor eyou were so peaceful
[13:58] SkUnKApE 123: hahaaha
[13:58] SkUnKApE 123: i just learned not to care anymore :stuck_out_tongue:
[13:58] TyrannosaurusCuv: youre like a teddy bear but you used to be like a koala
[13:58] SkUnKApE 123: and realized its sillyyy
[13:58] SkUnKApE 123: LOL!


ko·a·la (k-äl)
An arboreal Australian marsupial (Phascolarctos cinereus) that has dense grayish fur, large ears, cute as a button, and sharp claws that will scratch your eyes out if you harass them about hElIdRoP and feeds chiefly on the leaves of eucalyptus trees.