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I’m working on a new project at the moment, and need a pair of stock 240sx pop up headlight fenders.

These fenders byno means have to any where near mint, I will accept miss matched colour, dings, dents, and minor rust, just no major holes. I’d like the back half of the fenders (area closest to the door) to be in decent condition as that will be the part I will be working with.

so let me know. I hope apair of junkedup fenders will be easier to find than silvia fenders LOL



I have a fender passenger side for you that side of the fender you need is in good condition the rest is not. $10 for it.

PM jammin1911… I think he might have stock fenders for the S13.

dustin (hurricane) has some. pm him too


Still looking for a pair of junk fenders. I DON’T want mint fenders. I want ones that have damage around the front end, but are good near the door. so if they were in an accident. don’t throw them away let me see them, I might even pay you a good price for them !



Dude I have one for you. Pass side. $10. I have a driver side but its in good condition.