Free Acura parts

So guys the snow is melting the parts around my house are still there… and I want them gone. I know all my thread sound the same but…got a hatch, hood and tranny from an early 90’s teg sitting at my house. All the seal and hood latches are still entacted. I just want this shit gone so pm me for more info. No trying to take pictures just come look at it and give me a yeah or a no.

wtf is entacted :retardclap




I Had to double check the thread TITLE
I guess free isnt free anymore lol
Get ahold of me tomorrow

:rofl he asked you to pay? :rofl

It’s cool I’ll pay for you gas money to pick them up hahaha

give me 10 and ill grab everything LOL

Its cool Ill come grab em bro just let me know

what kind of early nineties? 93 and under?..

n/m, i have confirmed that your entire complex system of sausage ideologies are flawed…

what the fuk

Tranny still available?

red da interga parts?


He’s just mad because I sold my stock cams to some dude that George offered his to :rofl

I’ll come get the tranny auto or manual

hahaha you know it

bump still got these parts pm me for an addy and get them want them gone