Free Maxim

noda yet

nada here

I did this a few years ago and I got my first issue within a few weeks, I was very surprised. The only reason they do this is to reach a certain subscriber number so they can charge more for their ads. Maxim sucks anyways, PlayBoy has much better content.

I never signed up for anything and got 3 issues so far. Unfortunately they went to my gf’s house and she threw them in the garbage b4 I could get my hands on them.

Haven’t received a thing. What the hell.

Haven’t got shit!! Fuck this noise.

I’ve been getting mine? :shrug: Sorry for the disappointment to those who haven’t gotten anything.

Free Maxim again lol. Lets see if it works this time.

Thank You!

Your completed subscription forms will be forwarded to the appropriate magazine publishers. Your first issue of qualifying subscriptions is estimated to arrive in 6 to 8 weeks, but will vary from title to title.

Thanks. Tried to get my Canadian address in there, but I doubt they will send it.

I got a maxim mag. in the mail today. Just not sure which promotion it came from. :uhh:

I got mine yesterday

got mine today! I only signed up for the latest one.
I looked in the mailbox and saw a mag, figured it was an advertisement… was like aw fuck i dont want this.
Then I saw a schoolishgirl on the cover, and was like the fuck is this?
then i saw MAXIM and was like ahahaaaaha.


gf is going to shoot me.

wtf… still nothing for me lol

got mine

guess third time was the charm. finally got mine today!

Must be karma for that free roadrunner…thanks again for the hookup! :slight_smile:

they should have to pay me to read this magazine, seriously it has gone way downhill.

Mostly ads, shitty articles. I signed up for 2 year subscription for free a few months back. The magazine business must be right in the shitter.

tried it again.

another free year of maxim: