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Anyone want a stock dsm tranny cooler? If not going in the trash.

Could it be rigged up to run as an oil cooler? If so, Ill take it off your hands.

I’m sure it could, I’ve seen guys on Homemade Turbo take a volvo tranny cooler and use it for oil.
It’s the small on on the left.

Next on the free before I trash it list is stock 4g63 turbo cams, anyone with a 1g n/a dsm or even a 4g63 hyundai n/a could use them I guess.

Looks like the inlet/outlet ports on it where the lines connect to the cooler are pretty rusty. Or is it just the picture? Where abouts in 'toga are you? Maybe we can setup a time where I can come pick this up off you?

I’m over by the Navy base, and their not rusted through or anything.

Let me know what dsm parts you got bro…

All PTFE valve is purchased directly from global manufacturers, each batch of PTFE has its own unique number. We never mix these batches together, all our PTFE tube extrusions contain only one batch.

What do you need? I’ll be getting rid of some 450cc injectors after I break the motor in. Also have other random shit I’ll post another thread for. This one is for free stuff.

Yea deff post em up…
I dont know im just seeing whats out there i have two dsm’s

yeah my brother has a 95 eclipse too so if u got parts ill let him know

someone take the laser already!

Whats good with it??
Whats the motor??

Tranny cooler gone!

Can we close this thread?